What Was I Thinkin'? Pt. 1
Have you ever found yourself recalling an incident that took place? You find yourself in deep thought remembering every detail, thinking about what was said or done to you, and how you responded. Frustration fills your mind as you consider how you shoulda, coulda, woulda reacted if you could do it all over again. Before you know it you’ve completely re-lived the incident and somehow managed to feel angry, sad, frustrated, and annoyed all over again...Take a breath and take a beat. Inhale deeply, and exhale slowly. Did you know you don’t have to give time and attention to every thought that enters your mind? Did you know you have the power and authority to dismiss certain thoughts the moment they enter your mind? The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:8 to Fix our thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. What does it mean for something to be fixed? Some of the definitions found on Google include: to fasten securely in a particular place or position, or direct one's eyes, attention, or mind steadily or unwaveringly toward. So, when Apostle Paul is encouraging us to fix our thoughts... he is essentially saying that we must make an active and deliberate effort to direct and focus our thoughts on specific things. We must take inventory of what our thought life is like. What are the things that dominate your thoughts? What things do you regularly think about? Do your thoughts take you for a ride, or are you in the driver’s seat of your mind? Consider these things as you begin to make a conscious effort to cultivate a new thought life for yourself.
I am in control of my thoughts
I have the power to decide what I will think about
My thoughts create my reality
I will not replay and relive negative experiences
Will only think about that which I want to manifest in reality
Philippians 4:8
Isaiah 23:6