Half Time Prayer Day 3!
Half Time prayer is in full swing here's a recap of this morning's prayer: https://www.facebook.com/100000096091637/videos/37701847129946...
Did you catch half time prayer?!
Yesterday morning we officially started Half Time Prayer. If you missed it you can click the link and catch it below:...
Half Time Prayer Starts Tomorrow!
We'll be live tomorrow morning on our private Facebook Page: facebook.com/groups/halftimesquad Join us @ 6 :30am for prayer. We're...
Here's a Good Reason to be Excited!
Happy Monday to you. The world tells you, you have to have "Monday blues", and be disgruntled that the weekend is over, but scripture...
Today's Midday Motivation!
Push past the resistance and let go of the old you!
The Latest Midday Motivation!
You don't have to show up to every fight you're invited to
Is Accountability Really Necessary?
I promise you accountability isn't a dirty word. Whether it be a pastor, mentor, coach, friend etc. a big part of your success and...
Top 3 Ways to Keep Your Peace
Happy Monday Ya'll I want to encourage you to start the week off with a positive and powerful mindset. You don't have to live in a state...
6 Ways to Invest in Yourself & Transform Your Life
We say we want things, we even clearly identify what we want sometimes, but yet there's no deliberate planned action on how to get what you